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Regions of denmarkCounties of denmarkConstitution of denmarkStrathclydeDanish kroneNew states of germanyHereford and worcesterBaltoscandiaCounty boroughProvince of schleswig-holsteinSaxony-anhaltMetropolitan borough of finsburyFederalism in australiaGrampianDistrict of columbiaDistrict of maineSweden properKingdom of icelandAdministrative countyTerritory of papua and new guineaCape provinceGovernorates of omanNovorossiya governorateBosnia vilayetOld states of germanyFederation of australiaTransvaalProvinces of franceColony of tasmaniaDanish indiaBelgian revolutionBaltic governoratesStadeMasovian voivodeshipMississippi territoryLuxor governorateRoman provincePerm kraiDevolution to the north of englandBreslauRhine provinceCanadian confederationAndhra pradeshBuckinghamshire county councilSouth africa act 1909Saxe-weimar-eisenachScotland act 1998Metropolitan borough of shoreditchCounty of hollandProvince of saxonyTerritorial evolution of canadaColony of vancouver islandSeparation of queenslandGerman reunificationDuchy of mecklenburg-schwerinDominion of new englandEastern region, nigeriaReichsgau danzig-west prussiaIowa territoryRepublics of the soviet unionGerman mediatisationStates of the weimar republicDissolution of czechoslovakiaProvince of hohenzollernGau east prussiaDissolution of the soviet unionUpper canadaKingdom of englandMecklenburgSilesian voivodeshipNorthwest territorySouthern military districtEmblem of hong kongProvince of maineAct of consolidation, 1854Minnesota territoryKamchatka oblastAmalgamation of torontoLublin voivodeshipArmenian soviet socialist republicPartition of irelandNew netherlandRattanakosin kingdomSouthwest territoryElectorate of hanoverProvinces of ethiopiaFree state of mecklenburg-strelitzSocialist republic of serbiaDuchy of magdeburgEast punjabStettinGovernment of ireland act 1920Province of lower silesiaBrandenburgOrange free stateIllinois territoryDevelopment regions of nepalCounty of east frisiaFree state of mecklenburg-schwerinMinister president of prussia