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Went aroundRang aroundWas aroundRan aboutWent roundRan awayRan overGot aroundWent around the housesCame aroundRan backRan throughRan inRan alongRan away withRan behindRan an errandRan outRan errandsRan afterReranRan acrossRan atWent all around the housesRan amuckRan for itRan offDid the roundsWent round the housesRan for the exerciseRan aheadRan downRan upRan a trainRe-ranWent all round the housesRan bySpeed ranRan for one's lifeCame runningRan scaredCorpse ranCame roundFront ranRan for the hillsRan one's nameRan out the clockRan roughshod overRan like a topSpeedrunnedRan game onRan one's faceRan someone raggedRan into the groundRan someone off their feetJayranRan wildRan lateRan amokRan down the clockRan handsRan in the familyRan a bathDid a runnerFreeranRan linesRan the clock downRan up againstShowranRan barefoot throughUpranRan lowRan with scissorsOverranRan a temperatureRan out of gasRan agroundRode roughshod overRode outUnderranRan a feverGot aboutRan counterThrew one's weight aroundTook turnsRodeRan like a dry creekRan riotTurned backThrew aboutOutranAssranWore outRan highRode upRan into a brick wallCame backRan interferencePreranRan hot and cold