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Enlisted rankPilot officerArmy ranks and insignia of indiaAir vice-marshalLieutenant colonelGeneralFlight lieutenantSpecialistPetty officerAirman first classColonelStaff sergeantRaf regimentMajorCommanderLieutenantGroup captainFlight sergeantOberstabsfeldwebelAir marshalField officerOfficer cadetGeneral officerArmy aviationShip's companyMilitary slangSergeant majorSergeant first classJunior officerCorporalSecond lieutenantLieutenant commanderMarshal of the royal air forceCaptainFirst lieutenantLance corporalSenior sergeantMilitary rankSenior airmanRanks of the civil air patrolCaptain lieutenantPrivatePrivate first classOfficer candidateCommodoreSaudi arabian military ranksAir force outstanding unit awardMaster sergeantAir forceColour sergeantMaster corporalMidshipmanChief master sergeantRaafAirmanNaval ratingAdmiralNon-commissioned officerBrigadierLieutenant generalUnited states air forceRoyal air forceOfficerFlying officerNavy enlisted classificationAviation combat elementTwo-star rankNo. 1 group rafAir chief marshalMarshal of the air forceGeneral officer commandingSergeantMilitary ranks of iraqRoyal air force policeRaf intelligenceNo. 2 squadron rafChief petty officerAir force meritorious unit awardSquadron leaderOne-star rankMilitary ranks of nepalSenior master sergeantRear admiralMilitary ranks of nigeriaChain of commandOberstArmy corps generalNaval flight officerAdmiral of the fleetAustralian army reserveHauptfeldwebelArmy sergeant majorAviator badgeBrigadier generalCommanding officerAir force specialty codeLeutnantJunior commissioned officerRoyal corps of signalsReserve officers' training corps