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Securities act of 1933Statute of anneSmith actAntiquities act1933 banking actNaturalization act of 1790Espionage act of 1917Judiciary act of 1789Statute of monopoliesCivil rights act of 1957General mining act of 1872Civil rights act of 1875Comstock lawsSlave trade act of 1794Harrison narcotics tax actCoinage act of 1873Mines and collieries act 1842Social security actReichs-rundfunk-gesellschaftSlave trade act 1807Naturalization act of 1906Radio in the soviet unionCurrency actElectoral count actMccarran internal security actMarihuana tax act of 1937Coinage act of 1792Enforcement act of 1870Naval act of 1794Obscene publications act 1857Bell trade actNaturalization act of 1870National security act of 1947Federal reserve actStaggers rail actRevenue act of 1913Mckinley tariffPendleton civil service reform actResidence actMann actNational insurance act 1911Slave trade act of 1800Regulating act of 1773Rural electrification actCivil rights act of 1960Immigration act of 1917Red lion broadcasting co. v. fccImmigration act of 1882Magnuson actJoint stock companies act 1844Natives land act, 1913Indian reorganization actAliens act 1905Prohibition in the united statesJerusalem embassy actImmigration act of 1924Embargo act of 1807South africa act 1909Militia act of 1903Saint helena act 1833Tucker actRace relations act 1965Quebec actNational bank actFugitive slave act of 1850Government of ireland act 1914Defence regulation 18bConstitution of the ottoman empireCharter act of 1793Sex discrimination act 1975Anti-pinkerton actNorthwest ordinanceObscene publications act 1959Poor law amendment act 1834Matrimonial causes act 1857Gitlow v. new yorkSedition act of 1918Fugitive slave act of 1793Pacific railroad actsIndian citizenship actBureau of prohibitionNaturalization law of 1802Donation land claim actDefence act 1903National maximum speed lawGold standard actReform act 1832Bantu education act, 1953Posse comitatus actBritish nationality act 1948Trading with the enemy act of 1917Geary actCivil service reform act of 1978Dominion lands actTariff of abominationsDefence of india act 1915Kingsbury commitmentNavigation actsIreland act 1949Locomotive acts