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Bar hebraeusAdamAl-nu'man iii ibn al-mundhirKitbuqaIbn butlanHamaHunayn ibn ishaqJohn of ephesusTheophanes the confessorTekle haymanotAbuna aregawiMichael shen fu-tsungCharbel makhloufRashid ad-din sinanBasil of caesareaTyrannius rufinusAnastasius sinaitaMesrop mashtotsCharalambosMaronMaximus planudesAn shigaoTheophilus of edessaSaint nicholasJohn komnenos molyvdosArghunAbd al-razzaq samarqandiJohn cassianRashid al-din hamadaniMaximus the confessorTheodore the studiteIbn al-muqaffa'Ayurbarwada buyantu khanBenedict of nursiaGegeen khanToghrulEusebiusSuhaybSeverus of antiochAl-mustansir iIbn al-rawandiToghtekinJi gongIbn majahRabanus maurusPaul the deaconJalaluddin surkh-posh bukhariAllamah al-hilliBumin qaghanBaibars iiMovses khorenatsiIsaac of dalmatiaSalimbene di adamJacob of nisibisEvagrius ponticusAl-ghazaliGiovanni da pian del carpineBayan of the baarinImad al-din zengiAltan khanMu'in ad-din unurAl-shaykh al-mufidGaldan boshugtu khanTheodoretGamalielBardaisanQiu chujiEphrem the syrianKayqubad iLiutprand of cremonaBenedictMelito of sardisAbd al-mu'minKayqubad iiAl-mustansir iiAbu musa al-ash'ariRagibagh khanHenry of lausanneEustathius of thessalonicaShamsuddin kayumarsAnselm of canterburyKublai khanAthanasius of alexandriaIbn muqlaTatianAl-qurtubiSekkizharShitaoChen chengQutbuddin bakhtiar kakiHikkaduwe sri sumangala theraSilouan the athoniteDhul-nun al-misriTsarongQara yusufGeorgeGiocanggaKaiduSaint blaiseIbn khordadbeh