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Faiyum oasisHaditha damRed sea damDjedi projectNile deltaAswan low damDakhla oasisSahara seaAswan damTaghazaEgyptian pyramidsQanats of ghasabehGreat man-made riverAl shaheen oil fieldTarbela damGreat bitter lakeReko diq mineRogun damInner niger deltaKishanganga hydroelectric projectMojave solar projectIbts greenhouseEastern desertNorth west shelf ventureLake nasserAsian renewable energy hubSepulveda damLake moerisHalaib triangleDhar tichittQaidam basinAfar triangleNuba mountainsSnowy mountains schemeSuez canalGomal zam damNile basinLake marioutAn nafudRawal lakeChott el djeridGeothermal desalinationSand dune stabilizationSakhalin-iiKeban damRumaila oil fieldQasr al-hayr al-sharqiPattiseema lift irrigation projectRas muhammad national parkAquifer thermal energy storageNorthern european enclosure damBlue castle projectLiwa oasisKulekhani reservoirPyramid of tetiColumbia basin projectAlqueva damNero's exploration of the nileDelta worksBig creek hydroelectric projectDujiangyanDead sea worksMalankara damAflaj irrigation systems of omanDesert farmingMarsyangdi hydropower stationGulf of suezSuddGreat sand seaKashagan fieldLake timsahThe pearl-qatarMosul damGhawar fieldPhilaeGeography of qatarGreek pyramidsGreat rift valleyIvanpah solar power facilityGueltaElrhaz formationFarafra, egyptPalm jumeirahOrcaDanakil depressionStar shaftGulf of aqabaKajaki damKv65Lesotho highlands water projectCave of swimmersGansu wind farmMesopotamian marshesAmerican prairieTbilisi seaNarmada canalQumran cavesKoyna hydroelectric projectBahr el ghazal riverAtbarah river