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CandlemassDeath magic doomKing of the grey islandsPale communionEpicus doomicus metallicusNightfallTwilight of the thunder godCity burialsThe door to doomBerserkerSurtur risingSiren charmsDamnationCrypt of the devilDead man's pathDamage doneJomsvikingTwilight of the godsDeceiver of the godsConjuring the deadGrand morbid funeralSounds of a playground fadingDeath resonanceTales of creationThe ghost of orionExtolAfterglowGhost reveriesThe ride majesticNordland iThe scarred peopleStigmataDeliveranceEmpire of the undeadRequiemInfernoFate of nornsPolarisDeath cult armageddonAbrahadabraOvertures of blasphemyBattlesPreyAfterlifeThe panic broadcastAtonementCharacterEonianDark roots of earthAnthems of rebellionCarpetHammer of the witchesStratovariusFictionTotal deathPlagues of babylonFires within firesNo prayer for the dying7 sinnersNordland iiMidvinterblotEvisceration plagueBlack massesKhaos legionsCatch 22The stench of redemptionHypocrisyBlodsveptA valedictionDead againMonolithThe beginning of timesSeventh starCryptopsyStorm of the light's baneThe fathomless masteryLivePhantasmagoriaDeath atlasMorning starDead by aprilHalo of bloodHavenBlack moon risingThe prophecyMortal throne of nazareneTo the nameless deadSatyriconSpiritual black dimensionsSons of northern darknessRedemptionAncient dreamsSeventh son of a seventh sonSlaughter of the soulMetamorphosisScars of the crucifixTill death do us partThe days of graysResurrection through carnageThe industrialist