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Protocol iThird geneva conventionFourth geneva conventionSecond geneva conventionGeneva conventionsMartens clauseGeneva protocolProtocol on incendiary weaponsHague conventions of 1899 and 1907Genocide conventionProtection of diplomats conventionRome statuteInternational human rights lawProtocol on blinding laser weaponsHague evidence conventionFirst geneva conventionInternational lawSpace liability conventionUniversal copyright conventionHague choice of court conventionLagrand caseArms trade treatyBasel iiHague judgments conventionCartagena protocol on biosafetyDeclaration of helsinkiConvention on the high seasHague hijacking conventionNuremberg codeGeneva convention on road trafficArms controlTrade agreements act of 1979Minsk agreementsSecond london naval treatyBiological weapons conventionRacial equality proposalAlien tort statuteNorth atlantic treatyTreaty of lisbonParis agreementHumanitarian interventionNuremberg charterBerne conventionArms export control actOslo ii accordFirearm owners protection actHague adoption conventionJus gentiumSolas conventionLeahy lawChemical weapons conventionTreaty on european unionApostille conventionPeace treatyHague service conventionTreaties of the european unionPrinciple of consentForced labour conventionBosnian genocide caseKampala conventionConvention on biological diversityDigital millennium copyright actConvention on cluster munitionsMontreal conventionState ratifying conventionsJoint plan of actionTokyo conventionRight of association conventionPatient self-determination actOuter space treatyTerrorism risk insurance actMandateConference of the partiesStart iiCouncil of europeDeclaration of genevaMarpol annex iBudapest treatyBasel iiiTrips agreementLibyan peace processRome i regulationKyoto protocolOperation unified protectorResponsibility to protect1954 geneva conferenceCharlottetown accordParis convention of 1919Arms act, 1959Peace clauseHamburg rulesMunich agreementMontreal protocolAnti-ballistic missile treatyInternational securityPatent cooperation treatyNagoya protocolAlma-ata protocolComprehensive anti-apartheid actNon-aggression pact