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Revelation 17Isaiah 40Daniel 7New covenantIsaiah 1Revelation 13Daniel's final visionSeven sealsBible prophecySeven trumpetsJeremiah 31Daniel 8Revelation 6Ezekiel 23Ezekiel 38Ezekiel 25Jeremiah 28Ezekiel 1Revelation 1Great tribulationBook of zechariahFuturismNumbers 31Book of joelRevelation 12Book of jonahConfession of peterSeven churches of asiaIsaiah 14New jerusalemRevelation 21Book of leviticusBook of jeremiahBook of ezekielBible codeJohn's vision of the son of manOlivet discourseSeptuagintEvents of revelationBook of malachiMosaic covenantBook of isaiahSeven gifts of the holy spiritBook of estherGospel of jamesIsaiah 53Seventy disciplesSt john passionProphetic booksActs 17John of patmos1 chronicles 1Hebrews 11Lives of the prophetsAntichristThe exodusIsaiah 5Nunc dimittisChristian zionism2 samuel 23Isaiah 51Biblical aramaicProphecySon of manAgony in the gardenJewish eschatologyBook of lifePsalm 43The day of the lordAngel of the lordMan of sorrowsSanhedrin trial of jesusBook of mormonKingdom of godFarewell discourseMatthew 13Catholic bibleBook of genesisTemple menorah2 esdrasSyriac infancy gospelGenesis flood narrativeHealing the centurion's servantAnnunciationTorahMatthew 25Gospel of lukeKingdom theologyPrayer of manasseh2 baruchJob 42Old testamentEcclesiastesBread of life discourseExorcism of the gerasene demoniacBooks of chroniclesTwelve minor prophetsActs of the apostlesPredestination4q246