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Trade agreements act of 1979Communications act of 1934Nuclear waste policy actAtomic energy act of 1954Chief financial officers actArms export control actComputer fraud and abuse actEnergy policy and conservation actNational emergencies actCivil rights act of 1964Bipartisan campaign reform actDriver's privacy protection actCredit card act of 2009Executive order 12333Firearm owners protection actAffordable care actHelp america vote actDefense of marriage actFederal tort claims actSherman antitrust actAnti-drug abuse act of 1986Budget control act of 2011Executive order 11905Civil rights act of 1991Education amendments of 1972Protect america act of 2007Ada amendments act of 2008Patient self-determination actClayton antitrust act of 1914Energy policy act of 1992National research actFor the people actCommodity exchange actFederal arbitration actFair labor standards act of 1938Sentencing reform actPresident's surveillance programClery actRefugee actTerrorism risk insurance actMedicines act 1968E-government act of 2002Telecommunications act of 1996Pure food and drug actDigital millennium copyright actSocial security amendments of 1965Tax cuts and jobs act of 2017Real id actMutual defense assistance actGreat american outdoors actForeign sovereign immunities actCheck 21 actTeach actStolen valor act of 2013Communications decency actCommunity mental health actMetric conversion actCanadian bill of rightsAlien tort statuteBiometric information privacy actComprehensive anti-apartheid actNative title act 1993Federal-aid highway act of 1956Credit rating agency reform actCloud actMueller reportCorporate average fuel economyPhysician payments sunshine actExecutive order 13514Tower commissionProtect act of 2003Migratory bird treaty act of 1918Budget enforcement act of 1990Executive order 11246Congressional review actAdoption and safe families actPerpetual unionNo child left behind actData protection directiveExecutive order 13780Economic stimulus act of 2008Medical device regulation actMental health systems act of 19809/11 commission reportHuman rights act 1998Genocide conventionSuperfundState of the unionParliament acts 1911 and 1949Clean water ruleAtomic energy act of 1946Oil pollution act of 1990Equal access actThe 28 pagesOfficial secrets act 1989Flag desecration amendmentBalanced budget act of 1997Consumer rights act 2015Trade act of 1974Highway beautification act