MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Play hookiePlay hookyHop the wagBunk offPlay the wagBug outPlay truantSkive offBunkBump offPull a sickiePlay hob withSkip outTake one's hookHocusBeak offSkiveSling one's hookWag itGoof aroundThrow a sickiePlay tricksSling the hatchetHakeGive someone the slipHokeGo play in trafficHook itGo and play in the trafficGoof offGo and play in trafficPlay-playPlay fast and loosePlay withPlay gamesPlay atPlay the foolHoitPlayPlay bootyTalk out of schoolMess aroundSkip townAct the foolSwing the leadChuck a sickiePlay aboutHookHack awayHang outScrew aroundTool aroundYoinkDo a bunkPlay houseTake a hikeTee offPlay old harryScrew offPlay aroundKick aroundHang up one's hatBunkoFool aroundDossHang up the bootsJack aroundScrimshankJack inPlay up old gooseberryPlay chickenPlay for a foolHook inFootle aroundShank itPlay onTake one's football and go homeGo play in the trafficHumbugHang aboutGoofHorse aroundSkip ropeFly the coopWalk one's chalksSag offGo on the mitchPlay alongJoke aroundPlay politicsTake time outKnock offPlay old gooseberryMuck aroundHop itPutter around'tend to one's knittingHum and hawCrap outLeap through hoops