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Transportation research boardNational science foundationSocial science research councilNasaInternational science councilFederation of american scientistsAmerican meteorological societyNational space societyNational academy of sciencesNational nanotechnology initiativeHuman development reportCarnegie institution for scienceInternational astronomical unionNational geographic societyAmerican chemical societyNational academyResources for the futureNational sea grant college programNcert textbook controversiesNational cad standardBelmont reportGlobalsecurity.orgDutch research councilEuropean research councilThe technical cooperation programAmerican mathematical societyNature indexJoint research centreRoyal astronomical societyRoyal societyClimate disclosure standards boardMyplateInternational council for scienceAstm internationalClimate action trackerGlobal development networkBulletin of the atomic scientistsAmerican philosophical societyThe planetary societyNational academy of medicineGeneral social surveyInstitute of education sciencesAmerican sociological associationDod ndseg fellowshipNational student clearinghousePopulation reference bureauNational academy of inventorsGeological society of americaNih grantRand corporationArpa-eNational institute on drug abuseInternational space universityRoyal meteorological societyScience based targets initiativeIucn red listHuman microbiome projectNational association of scholarsSeti instituteNational medal of scienceAbetCommittee on publication ethicsAd councilNational cancer instituteAmerican institute of physicsGlobal burden of disease studyAmerican physical societyChicago council on global affairsState policy networkScipostInternational council of museumsAnsiB612 foundationPartnership for public serviceHeritage documentation programsNational public health institutesIndian antarctic programmeGerman research foundation100 year starshipThe climate groupRegional plan associationResearch domain criteriaArms control associationEconomic policy instituteConsumer reportsSloan research fellowshipNational journalNadcapNational building specificationAmerican society for microbiologyThe explorers clubSmithsonian institutionLtpp data analysis contestNational space instituteData management associationProgressive policy instituteEuropean space agencyTrilateral commissionInstitute for energy researchCommittee on space research