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The future of the mindHyperspacePhysics of the futureA brief history of timeThe road to realityThe beginning of infinityHow to create a mindCycles of timeAtomA universe from nothingThe tao of physicsOur mathematical universeThe age of spiritual machinesThe emperor's new mindQuantum realityThe theoretical minimumThe singularity is nearEngines of creationBeyondThe first three minutesThe third industrial revolutionThe fabric of the cosmosThe magic of realityHow the mind worksThe code bookOne two three... infinityBrief answers to the big questionsThe feynman lectures on physicsMind and cosmosEnlightenment nowThe world is flatAstrophysics for people in a hurryThe elegant universeThe tell-tale brainConsciousness explainedProof of heavenThe language of godThe logic of scientific discoveryThe man who would be queenBig bangHow not to be wrongConsciousness and the brainI am a strange loopTranscendenceReinventing organizationsSumma technologiaeThe stuff of thoughtDarwin's dangerous ideaMain currents of marxismOn intelligenceIgnited mindsProcess and reality21 lessons for the 21st centuryThe making of the atomic bombAn experiment with timeThe conscious mindThe swerveHereditary geniusMagicians of the godsHuman compatibleThe power of geographyThe origins of political orderThe dragons of edenNeurotribesThe silk roadsThe man who knew infinityCritique of pure reasonThe true believerCosmic consciousnessThe big moThe mars projectDe umbris idearumIn search of the miraculousThe emperor of all maladiesThe body keeps the scoreThe exegesis of philip k. dickThe master and his emissaryAgainst methodEvolution and the theory of gamesThe science of getting richAll that is solid melts into airThe master algorithmThe global minotaurThe blind watchmakerThe sense of stylePredictably irrationalThe greatest trade everDarwin's black boxAmerican prometheusA history of piCritique of impure reasonThis is your brain on musicMan after manBeing and nothingnessPhenomenology of perceptionThe beauty of fractalsOn food and cookingImperiumTools of titansLaws of form