MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Universal product codePackmlInternational article numberPdf417Code 93Pharmacy management systemBarcode readerBarcode systemFacing identification markMsi barcodeGs1-128Extended channel interpretationIso 10303Active packagingIso 9564Generic product identifierMedical classificationDiagnosis codeBibcodeAsme bpeProduct codeIso/iec 7810AsciiElectronic packagingIso 9362Binary codePart numberClinical trial management systemItf-14Code pageCode 39Price look-up codeApplication binary interfaceIso 2709Magnetic ink character recognitionPkcs 8High capacity color barcodeIso 13849Iso 6346LoincDna digital data storageIntel hexCurrent procedural terminologyBytecodeC0 and c1 control codesIndustrial control systemIso 15189Electronic health recordMaxicodeGlobal medical device nomenclatureIso/iec 7064Jis x 0213Clinical document architectureIso/iec 11179Source code control systemPersonal identification numberPdf/aPackage on a packageScancodePkcs 12LabelLine codeIso 15765-2Iso 2145Material requirements planningCard security codePacket switchingPackage formatHarmonized systemCodentifyPostal index numberIso/iec 8859Pkcs 11PhylocodeB2mmlBinary decoderStandard interchange protocolIso 7001Order management systemBinary decision diagramIso 15926Electronic product codeIso/iec 2022Physicians' desk referenceProcess control blockCode pointMessage authentication codeManufacturing execution systemTimecodeCodeCommon industrial protocolRadio data systemElectronic data captureProsigns for morse codeIso 8583Continuity of care documentNetwork packetDbcsCodebaseIec 62304