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Saint eustaceAlexander of jerusalemJanuariusSaint christopherPeregrineNicodemus the hagioriteProcopius of scythopolisPeter of veronaSaint spyridonSaint blaisePeter chanelSaint georgeIvan susaninNicholas of japanPope sergius iDaniel the styliteNectarios of aeginaBenedict of nursiaLorenzo ruizJoseph of cupertinoSaint pantaleonEvodiusTheophan the recluseInnocent of alaskaPlatonGermain of parisIsaac of dalmatiaCharles lwangaSavvas the new of kalymnosJosephClement of ohridEusebius of vercelliPeregrine laziosiGalgano guidottiSaint peterSaint valentineDevasahayam pillaiPaisios of mount athosAgathiusBlandinaPope anacletusPaul of samosataJohn of shanghai and san franciscoLucian of antiochMichael of chernigovGangulphusAndrew kim taegonFerminIsaac joguesDionysiusAdalbert of pragueBenedict the moorGerard majellaPaulSaint stephenJoseph the hesychastSaint nicholasPeter ii of courtenayMenas of egyptMelito of sardisAndrew the apostleLucifer of cagliariEustathius of antiochArnold janssenExpeditusAnastasiusKitbuqaExuperius of bayeuxMichael the syrianMichael viJan sarkanderAnthony the greatSaint afraBaba deep singhAnastasius sinaitaPejaPeter martyr d'anghieraAilbe of emlySaint thorlakTekle haymanotIlyaDemetrius of thessalonikiGregory the illuminatorCharalambosPetro mohylaNicodemusBenedictAntipope alexander vCharbel makhloufAlfonso herreraSeraphimKevin of glendaloughGabriel urgebadzeCenyddPachomius the greatSergius of radonezhAndrey sheptytskyFrumentiusJulian of eclanumPope eutychian