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Black alliance for peaceInternational atomic energy agencyPeace nowCode pinkA.n.s.w.e.r.J streetArms control associationHuman rights groupCampaign for nuclear disarmamentAfriNuclear age peace foundationAmerican friends service committeeGlobal witnessAvaazGlobal peace foundationNova ukraineHuman rights foundationFederation of american scientistsGeneva centre for security policyThe ribbon internationalRazomActionaidThe stimson centerAir & space forces associationAmerican humanist associationGlobal leadership foundationIfnotnowSulabh internationalHuman rights watchJewish voice for peaceDemocracy without bordersThe technical cooperation programForeign policy research instituteBulletin of the atomic scientistsBorder network for human rightsPopulation connectionFund for peaceEcohealth allianceClimate movementAmnesty internationalFuture of life instituteHuman rights law networkInternational space universityInternational medical corps2017 nobel peace prizeNational endowment for democracySeeds of peaceFootball for peaceInternational justice missionAntiwar.comOne campaignNational democratic instituteFreedom houseSustainable energy for allNational space societyAmerican civil liberties unionArticle 19B'tselemB612 foundationTides foundationBrady campaignAmerican atheistsRotary internationalSoroptimist internationalCenter for constitutional rightsClimate action networkGlobal country of world peaceBuilding marketsCatholics unitedAmideastCloud security allianceProject hopeConservation movementPrison abolition movementSister cities internationalNaral pro-choice americaExtinction rebellionEarthjusticeRenew democracy initiativeTafisaPeace corpsPen americaAmerican jewish congressPoints of lightRock the votePlant-for-the-planetNoh8 campaignPartnership for public serviceSouthern center for human rightsStop aapi hateFreedom fundAfrica-america institutePopulation services internationalMercy corpsArcus foundationHumanists internationalInnocence projectHuman rights firstOperation underground railroadGlobal environment facility