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Saint georgeSaint spyridonSaint christopherSaint eustaceSaint mauriceMenas of egyptAlexander of jerusalemSavvas the new of kalymnosNectarios of aeginaIsaac of dalmatiaSaint stephenAilbe of emlyGermain of parisGregory the illuminatorSaint eligiusEphrem the syrianSaint blaiseJanuariusBenedict of nursiaByzasFerminBalthazarCharalambosAristobulus of britanniaKevin of glendaloughSaint sylvester's dayPope sergius iSaint peterDionisiusBasil of caesareaSaint nicholasPopeTheodore the studiteAntoniusKing of jerusalemDaniel the styliteLorenzo ruizJohn vianneyGangulphusExuperius of bayeuxSaint emeric of hungarySaint-cyrFrancis of assisiRaoulJacob of nisibisSamson of dolDemetrius of thessalonikiPeter the aleutJoseph of cupertinoEustathius of antiochJoachimSergius and bacchusCultural depictions of napoleonHermenegildSaint dominicSaint pantaleonAnthony the greatKing arthurTheophanes the greekBasil fool for christAthanasius of alexandriaConstantine iSaint thorlakLeonard of noblacPeregrine laziosiPaisios of mount athosClement of ohridNicodemus the hagioriteJohn cassianSaint valentineAndrew the apostleBessarionGeorgeCenyddHarishchandraPeter of veronaAgathiusSaint timothyOrder of st michael and st georgeGregory thaumaturgusSeshadri swamigalSaint titusLast roman emperorBenedictAlexander nevskyIlyaPope gregory iMatsyendranathaBenedict the moorGeorge iv of georgiaAdalbert of pragueIrenaeusGregory v of constantinopleMartin of bragaPope honorius ivMaronGeorge v of georgiaSekkizharGeorge maniakesNarses