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Government of ireland act 1920Partition of indiaAnglo-irish treatyPolitical integration of indiaAnglo-irish agreementIrish boundary commissionActs of union 1800Government of ireland act 1914Confederate irelandIreland act 1949Irish free stateParliament of northern irelandLordship of irelandThe palePrussian partitionSeparation of queenslandUpper canadaConstitution of 1782Belgian revolutionIrish questionProvince of carolinaCountries of the united kingdomDevolution to the north of englandTreaty of unionRussian partitionTransvaalBritish indiaSecond partition of polandActs of union 1707The republic of ireland act 1948South africa act 1909Scotland in the early middle agesIrish republicDissolution of the soviet unionEast jerseyDissolution of czechoslovakiaProvince of canadaFirst partition of polandHistory of pakistanBritish cyprusSouthern coloniesDominion of new englandNorthern ireland peace processBritish empireAdministrative countyScotland act 1998Province of schleswig-holsteinKingdom of englandGerman reunificationFederation of australiaAlaska boundary disputeIndian reunificationMandate for palestineDominion of pakistanParliament of great britainBritish north americaHistory of the british rajTwo-state solutionOne country, two systemsLands of the bohemian crownAllied-occupied germanySouthern rhodesiaBritish americaOrdinance of secessionInner german borderGood friday agreementHistory of irelandFree derryFlag of prussiaGaelic irelandPlantations of irelandCatholic unionistTerritory of papua and new guineaSomali republicIrish rebellion of 1641Irish revolutionary periodHistory of the united kingdomEast punjabProvince of lower silesiaMunster republicReichsgau warthelandEast pakistanOutline of the united kingdomColonial officeThird partition of polandIrish republican armyPrincely states of pakistanSelf-governing colonyBritish nationality act 1948Gau east prussiaHome rule crisisProvince of upper silesiaOrange river colonySoviet civil administrationIndian territoryPartition of albaniaRepublics of the soviet unionParliament of englandMonarchy of south africaCape province