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Energy charter treatyKyoto protocolTreaty on european unionMontreal protocolConvention on biological diversityTreaty of lisbonGlasgow climate pactMaastricht treatyTrips agreementOuter space treatyJoint comprehensive plan of actionCopenhagen accordGreen climate fundKigali amendmentClean power planGenocide conventionJoint plan of actionAgreement on agricultureArms trade treatySustainable development goal 13Climate governanceEuropean green dealNorth atlantic treatyMoon treatyTreaties of the european unionRome statuteAlpine conventionParis charterMontreal conventionTreaty of lausanneHague judgments conventionCotonou agreementChemical weapons conventionHague evidence conventionTrade in services agreementOslo ii accordCartagena protocol on biosafetyAarhus conventionTreaty of romeGlobal compact for migrationAgenda 21Minamata convention on mercuryCitesInternational lawBarcelona conventionTrans-pacific partnershipGlobal stocktakeGlobal plastic pollution treatyHague conventions of 1899 and 1907Biological weapons conventionFree trade agreementGeneva convention on road trafficSustainable development goal 11Hague choice of court conventionNationally determined contributionGeneva protocolEarth charterSustainable development goal 7Clean energy ministerialBerne conventionConvention on the high seasCovenant of the league of nationsSecond london naval treatyRotterdam conventionEuropean patent conventionUnited nationsIran nuclear deal frameworkSpace liability conventionBerlin processNagoya protocolTrade agreements act of 1979California senate bill 32Antarctic treaty systemBrexit withdrawal agreementTreaty of parisApostille conventionSustainable development goal 12Jamaica accordsClimate vulnerable forumCharlottetown accordForest principlesInternational human rights lawTreaty of rarotongaHague service conventionIpcc fifth assessment reportJoint implementationTreaty of brusselsIpcc sixth assessment reportConference of the partiesOecd anti-bribery conventionCouncil of europe1926 slavery conventionOslo accordsParis convention of 1919Tokyo conventionProtocol on incendiary weaponsThird energy packageOpen government partnershipMunich agreementSchengen agreement