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Genetics in fictionDisease in fictionEarly history of fantasyTerraforming in popular cultureHistory of fantasyTime travel in fictionCultural depictions of spidersSocial history of virusesEunuchs in popular cultureNeanderthals in popular cultureClimate change in popular cultureColonization of venusIncest in literatureCultural depictions of dinosaursHistory of anthropologyLgbt themes in speculative fictionHistory of medicineReincarnation in popular cultureHistory of malariaMermaids in popular cultureCharacter raceEgyptian literatureTalking animals in fictionPolitical ideas in science fictionBody swap appearances in mediaPigs in cultureHistory of pseudoscienceSewer alligatorHistory of herbalismCultural depictions of blindnessRoman historiographyParadise lost in popular cultureAdultery in literatureSingle-gender worldSurvivalism in fictionElder raceHistory of neuroscienceCannibalism in popular cultureSadism and masochism in fictionMythic fictionElements of the cthulhu mythosHistory of artificial intelligenceHistorical fantasyCreativity and mental healthCrucifixion in the artsStar wars sources and analoguesLate modern periodIncest in film and televisionElves in fictionNostradamus in popular cultureHistory of geneticsExperimentation on prisonersTimeline of religionMedicinal plantsHistory of anatomyGreek literatureBlack death in medieval cultureLanguage and thoughtPicts in fantasyHistory of bloggingMiddle ages in popular cultureObjections to evolutionTransgender historyUndeadColor terminology for raceKraken in popular cultureHuman interactions with microbesHistory of rapeMushrooms in artFascination with deathGreek mythology in popular cultureHuman uses of plantsMisogyny and mass mediaHistory of erotic depictionsHistory of gardeningNephilim in popular cultureLuminous gemstonesNazi ufosInsects in ethicsBees in mythologySex and drugsDragonsLeviathan in popular cultureIndian burial ground tropeHistory of animal rightsHistory of hypnosisBuddhism and the roman worldJapanese literatureHistorical race conceptsHistory of evolutionary thoughtTechnology in star warsChess in the artsOpium and romanticismBook illustrationClassification of demonsHistory of zoophiliaThe bible and slaveryGhosts in mesopotamian religionsArsenic poisoning casesFamily saga