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AllianceForever peopleOmega menNew godsEternalsD'bariLegion of super-heroesChallengers of the unknownHeliopolitansBadoonMindless onesShi'arBeyondersLiberty legionSuper-sonsCrusadersElders of the universePhalanxAgents of atlasSection 8League of assassinsFuturiansA-nextFreedom fightersLegion of substitute heroesGuardians of the galaxySoviet super-soldiersNew genesisFantastic forceKnights of pendragonDark x-menEnclaveJustice society of americaIndigo tribeBatmen of all nationsApokolipsAsgardians of the galaxyMasters of evilCorporationAvengersFantastic fourAvengers in other mediaNew warriorsLords of chaos and orderJustice league darkDoombotLegion of super-petsLegion of monstersH.a.r.d. corpsTeen titansSquadron sinisterSinister syndicateJustice leagueJustice league in other mediaGeneration xFantastic fiveAll-winners squadInfinity, inc.Alpha flightHeroes for hireBlue lantern corpsSquadron supremeHellfire clubBlood syndicateJustice league unitedFuture foundationTime variance authoritySpider-slayerFemale furiesLatveriaPrideSentinels of magicAliensAvalonSeven soldiers of victoryGuardians of the globeSerpent societyImage universeRed lantern corpsAnti-life equationOrange lantern corpsHorsemen of apocalypseMorlocksDora milajeIntergangTeam 7Red ribbon armyFive weapons societyFrightful fourSalem's sevenRevengersHawk and doveNew mutantsSuperman revenge squadDaily planetCrime syndicate of americaElvesDc universeShadow cabinetSerpent squad