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History of the palestiniansKashmiri diasporaSyrian diasporaCoptic diasporaArmenian diasporaCircassian diasporaGreek diasporaChechen diasporaPashtun diasporaCulture of palestineBasque diasporaTelugu diasporaKerala gulf diasporaPunjabi diasporaAfrican diasporaPalestinian refugeesLatin american diasporaJavanese diasporaTamil diasporaPalestinian jewsIranian jews in israelTurkish diasporaBritish arabsOverseas taiwaneseMizrahi jewsSomali diasporaAlbanian diasporaIranian arabsPalestiniansSyrian jewsAshkenazi jews in israelArabs in the netherlandsArab-berberIraqi diasporaJapanese diasporaDinka peopleArmenians in russiaAshkenazi jewsCircassians in syriaHistory of the jews in kurdistanIraqi jews in israelBaghdadi jewsPalestinian arabicJamaican diasporaEthnic groups in the middle eastPalestinians in lebanonSyrian turkmenLebanese sunni muslimsAlawitesTurks in europeOttoman-turkeyArabs in pakistanPakistani community of londonAfrican-american diasporaKurdish languagesLebanese braziliansSephardic haredimSudanArabs in greeceMaghrebisBengalis in pakistanRomaniote jewsArab-persiansBosnian diasporaMaronites in israelAliyahDemographics of iraqBedouinSikh diasporaHadhrami peopleSyriansAlbanians in greeceEast bengali refugeesRashaida peopleCzech diasporaHistory of the kurdsBritish mirpurisBritish pakistanisJudeo-tunisian arabicSephardi jewsTurks in franceAntiochian greek christiansKashmiri panditsMuslim supporters of israelMashriqTurks in berlinAjam of bahrainBosniaks in turkeyArab separatism in khuzestanArabic language in israelKosovo albaniansBahrani peopleJa'alin tribeJews of bilad el-sudanOverseas filipinosGreek cypriotsMoroccans in belgiumDemographics of the middle eastCaribbean peopleTurks in kosovo