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Operation kingfisherOperation southern watchOperation boloCombined action programTeam spiritMike forceNaval support activity danangOperation active endeavourOperation popeyeRepublic of vietnam navyOperation herrickOperation provide hopeOperation enduring freedomOperation eagle assistSouth vietnam air forceSeasprayResolute support missionOperation northern watchAir materiel commandOperation ocean shieldArmy of the republic of vietnam1st australian task forceOperation spartan shieldOperation urban warriorOperation noble eagleMkoftenOperation chaseOperation pythonAble dangerSixth united states army groupOperation freedom's sentinelPacific ocean areasOperation frictionOperation whitecoatMarine expeditionary unitFirst special service forceTiger forceTask force 16American volunteer groupTask force vikingJoint unmanned combat air systemsChina burma india theaterRoyal naval commandosMobile riverine forceOperation burnt frostAfghan air forceOperation observant compassProject eSeventh united states army509th composite groupNorthern patrolMarine defense battalionsBritish commonwealth forces koreaRaf second tactical air forceCombined operations headquartersG.i. movementOperation chrome domeOperation ellamyKhmer air force91st bombardment groupProject gammaGreen light teamsTask force 121Project dark geneOperation highjumpOperation ivy bellsCombat boxOperation orbitalFuture soldierJoint task force northAir defence of great britainMilitary operationProject camelotSoviet volunteer groupThirteenth air forceBrixmisOperation argosCarver matrixForeign armies eastExpeditionary strike groupAllied force headquartersCombined chiefs of staffNinth air forceExercise reforgerArmy of northern virginiaOperation mobileKampfgeschwader 200Naval advance base saipanAirland battleAerospace defense commandAmerican expeditionary forcesTraining within industrySouth east asia commandTwenty-fifth air forceAlamo scouts2nd marine divisionUnited states air forceService squadronOperation sea lionHa-3