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Middle babylonian periodNeo-babylonian empireAkkadian empireIsin-larsa periodNew kingdom of egyptChaldean dynastyMiddle assyrian empireEarly assyrian periodAssyriaOld assyrian periodSasanian egyptAchaemenid dynastyAchaemenid empireSasanian empirePost-imperial assyriaNineteenth dynasty of egyptFourteenth dynasty of egyptPersian empireTwenty-first dynasty of egyptFall of babylonSargonid dynastyEighteenth dynasty of egyptTwentieth dynasty of egyptParthian empireAram-damascusRise of the ottoman empireThirty-first dynasty of egyptNeo-assyrian empireKingdom of aksumSeventeenth dynasty of egyptFirst toungoo empireTwenty-seventh dynasty of egyptMycenaean greeceHistory of baghdadLate period of ancient egyptMamluk sultanateByzantine empireSafavid iranAchaemenid conquest of egyptTwenty-sixth dynasty of egyptRoman empireMiddle kingdom of egyptHellenistic greeceRoman kingdomShang dynastyOdrysian kingdomRoman egyptKhmer empireKingdom of pergamonMaurya empireSpring and autumn periodShunga empireThird intermediate period of egyptJalayirid sultanateInca empirePala empireTwenty-fifth dynasty of egyptSamanid empireAchaemenid macedoniaGreece in the roman eraDiocese of the eastArtaxiad dynastyRussian empireHistory of the roman empireSatrapy of armeniaArzawaLiang dynastyKingdom of the lombardsFirst bulgarian empireHoly roman empirePrincipateUpper and lower egyptMing dynastyAjuran sultanateAssyrian lawMuslim conquest of persiaHistory of the byzantine empireSeventh dynasty of egyptTang dynasty in inner asiaAnuradhapura periodAncient greeceSpain in the middle agesAmarna periodPeloponnesian leaguePtolemaic kingdomIlkhanateNasrid dynastyBuyid dynastyBabylonian captivityTwenty-third dynasty of egyptHistory of the song dynastyAsen dynastyTwenty-fourth dynasty of egyptGhana empireQara khitaiDiocese of egyptMughal empireHistory of the romans in arabiaMilitary of the warring statesBengal sultanate