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Argonne national laboratoryLos alamos national laboratorySavannah river national laboratoryBrookhaven national laboratorySandia national laboratoriesFermilabFacility for rare isotope beamsRutherford appleton laboratoryOak ridge associated universitiesKhan research laboratoriesMit lincoln laboratoryKnolls atomic power laboratoryJet propulsion laboratoryLaboratory for laser energeticsBettis atomic power laboratoryKurchatov instituteMetallurgical laboratoryTennessee technological universityCernMarshall space flight centerAdvanced light sourceGeorgia techFrontierProject yScripps researchGoddard space flight centerChalk river laboratoriesRocket center, west virginiaApplied physics laboratoryCold spring harbor laboratoryLebedev physical instituteExperimental breeder reactor iiDesyIndian institute of astrophysicsBhabha atomic research centreRti internationalIsis neutron and muon sourceTexas cryptologic centerRedstone arsenalRocky mountain arsenalLouisiana state universityDiamond light sourceInformation sciences instituteDesert research instituteJilaRadford army ammunition plantInstitute for advanced studyKansas city plantToyohashi university of technologyCentral drug research instituteIndian institute of petroleumAlaska mission operations centerRoslin instituteMcalester army ammunition plantAbdus salam centre for physicsTennessee state universityNational defense universityAdvanced test reactorMit media labAmes research centerHolloman air force baseArnold air force baseHearst memorial mining buildingIndian institute of scienceAberdeen proving groundIsro propulsion complexThe tech interactiveDefence cbrn centreHarvard radcliffe instituteBroad instituteHuntsman cancer instituteBreakthrough instituteUniversity of texas at austinMississippi state universityMichigan technological universityNew mexico state universityOntario tech universityGlenn research centerJackson laboratoryNational chemical laboratoryEuropean spallation sourceOakland technical high schoolNorth carolina state universityMarine biological laboratoryLangley research centerInstitute of plant industryKitt peak national observatoryMalaysian nuclear agencyMd anderson cancer centerNeedham research instituteInstitute of cancer researchKaistHawaii cryptologic centerIit kharagpurTexas tech universityClausthal university of technologyPurdue universityJohnson space centerLawrence hall of scienceSemi-conductor laboratory