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InstituteAaaSpiLbwInpLicensedCalculating1-2-310100100010000001011099ArgCentralDestNegTralWhNo moreNoNever mindLong shotNot likelyWhat notUnknown quantityNothing specialThin airLost onSmall wonderUnused toNo joyHands downBreak evenWhite elephantIn vainFine lineDisagree withStonewallBlack sheepWrong numberFall shortSaveTurn againstTake kindlyKeep quietBad companySave itFall throughPlay downDead endStraight faceBlind alleyRed lightPhone inLet slipLost causeMickey mousePass upLip serviceLet onTurn downSmall changeBackwaterYellow lightLive oneEven keelPoint blankEver afterClear cutFlat outRule outLast thingNickelRock bottomGloss overThird countrySet apartFind faultFall behindBad bloodSit onLet downBad newsMixed bagLay eggsDead woodNot quiteFree handDeep endKind ofSort ofLevel withGlossUp frontLast resortClean handsLose touchStave off