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Hayward fault zoneHighland boundary faultMarikina valley fault systemCascadia subduction zoneGakkel ridgeHuincul faultDead sea transformSeattle faultSan andreas faultNew madrid seismic zoneAleutian trenchCalaveras faultGreat glen faultAlpine faultIndo-australian plateAegean sea plateJuan de fuca plateMidcontinent rift systemEurasian plateMegathrust earthquakeNorth china plainMid-atlantic ridgeGeology of sicilyAzores triple junctionSouth american plateRed sea riftJuan de fuca ridgePhilippine mobile beltPhilippine sea plateConvergent boundaryGeology of new zealandNankai megathrust earthquakesEast pacific riseNorth american plateAfar triple junctionGeology of taiwanEast african riftAnatoliaSunda megathrustIndian plateForearcThrust faultHellenic trenchAustralian plateEuropean cenozoic rift systemSouthern alpsPontic mountainsBalcones faultGreat rift valley, ethiopiaNazca plateTectonic upliftGrowth faultShear zoneCaribbean plateGeological deformation of icelandPacific plateMediterranean ridgeBurma plateLewis overthrustArabian plateAntarctic plateTrans-mexican volcanic beltGeology of the alpsBalticaSunda plateAccretionary wedgeHorst and grabenEast european cratonMoine thrust beltAfrican plateLists of earthquakesSiberian trapsNewer volcanics provinceAlleghanian orogenyBosporusEscarpmentNorth atlantic currentPhilippine fault systemCanadian shieldAnatolian plateauEarthquakeDanakil depressionGeology of the himalayasRift lakeAnti-taurus mountainsEastern continental divideActive faultBaltic shieldGreat rift valleySudbury basinTaurus mountainsPaektu mountainNinety east ridgeAnadarko basinAfar triangleRockslideKayenta formationBlack seaTeton faultRing of fire