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NileNile deltaNiger riverAtbarah riverLower nubiaLake nasserCongo basinAmazon basinInner niger deltaRed seaLake victoriaGreat rift valleyOkavango riverChari riverSub-saharan africaSerengetiSudanOmo riverBlue nileNyabarongo riverJordan riverChad basinBahr el ghazal riverAfrican great lakesLake tanaLake timsahNiger deltaEastern desertNorth africaKagera riverSaharaMurat riverTigrisGulf of tadjouraEast africaLuangwa riverBlue nile fallsPlatte riverIowa riverSuddIllinois riverLimpopo riverColumbia river drainage basinSouthern africaLake ngamiTugela riverJubba riverMolopo riverKlamath basinSenegal riverArkansas riverAlgerian desertMississippi river deltaGreat rift valley, kenyaAtlantic coastal desertMesopotamiaCongo riverMekongNeretvaDanakil desertLualaba riverNorth aral seaSahelEast african riftNiagara riverHumboldt riverHudson bay drainage basinMediterraneanImo riverKaskaskia riverNamaqualandLake kivuIndusCourse of the colorado riverRufiji riverLake tanganyikaColorado riverEuphratesSuez canalRed river of the southPotomac riverGulf of suezBight of beninLake turkanaLake nakuruAlbertine riftNaf riverHorn of africaKasai riverLake moerisKafue riverJordan valleyLake chadApple riverAtchafalaya riverSt. francis riverFaiyum oasisGreat sand seaMississippi embaymentBig sioux river