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Proclamation of rebellionPetition to the kingAlbany planOlive branch petitionInvitation to williamCanuck letterLegion of the united statesLeisler's rebellionPhilipsburg proclamationAlbany congressDunmore's proclamationStamp act congressLee resolutionCornerstone speechNew jersey planResidence actColonial american military historyEmancipation proclamationAct of mediationCongress of the confederationNew england confederationLand ordinance of 1785Northwest ordinanceNaval act of 1794Abdication of nicholas iiDeclaration of arbroathTreaty of parisFranco-american allianceEdict of fontainebleauConfederation periodProvince of pennsylvaniaCoup of 1809Second american revolutionOstend manifestoContinental associationSecond continental congressHaldimand proclamationStalin noteEdict of potsdamTreaty of unionDemonstration of 20 june 1792French constitution of 1793Berlin decreeKingdom of hanoverMilitia acts of 1792Rule of the major-generalsDay of infamy speechGettysburg addressHistory of albany, new yorkTreaty of waitangiInstrument of governmentTen percent planKingdom of northern lusitaniaAnnexation of santo domingoHistory of pennsylvaniaSpecial field orders no. 15History of new york cityFirst virginia charterTreaty of campo formioThe declaration of 46History of philadelphiaTreaty of brusselsGlorious revolutionTexas in the american civil warHampton court conferenceTreaty of salbaiProclamation of the irish republicUpper canadaImpeachment of andrew johnsonKingdom of italyTexas declaration of independencePresidents' dayKingdom of englandRegency novelTreaty of lambethProclamation no. 1081Potsdam declarationFirst protectorate parliamentNorthern neck proprietaryStatuto albertinoNorthwest territoryDistrict of maineRussia and the american revolutionParliament of great britainTreaty of toursHossbach memorandumPatriotOverthrow of the roman monarchyTreaty of roskildeGeneral order no. 1Treaty of shackamaxonPeace of niciasSolemn league and covenantPains and penalties bill 1820New netherlandConcordat of 1801Decree on landNaturalization act of 1790June 9 deng speechConstitution of 3 may 1791