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Saint spyridonPorphyrios of kafsokaliviaAlexander of jerusalemPaisios of mount athosEustathius of thessalonicaSavvas the new of kalymnosAnastasiusBenedict of nursiaMenas of egyptEphrem the syrianDemetrios i of constantinopleAthanasius of alexandriaJoseph the hesychastJacob of nisibisTheophan the recluseNicholas mystikosJohn of shanghai and san franciscoSaint georgeChrysostomos of smyrnaSaint eustaceChristodoulos of athensInnocent of alaskaLeontiusGennadius scholariusPope sergius iGermanus v of constantinopleJanuariusGeorgeGregory thaumaturgusSaint blaiseDemetrius of thessalonikiClement of ohridBasil of caesareaSaint nicholasJohn vianneyIrenaeusNicodemus the hagioriteTekle haymanotGregory v of constantinopleIsaac of dalmatiaGermain of parisAndrey sheptytskyTheodore the studiteSeverus of antiochNikephoros i of constantinopleJohn of ephesusGaetano dei conti di thieneFrancis of assisiIlyaCharalambosEustathius of antiochSeraphimSymeon the new theologianNicholas of japanGabriel urgebadzeSilouan the athoniteCyril lucarisPetro mohylaAgathiusAnthony the greatAnastasius sinaitaEvagrius ponticusJohn cassianIsidore of kievPachomius the greatAthenagoras of athensDamaskinos of athensPaulSaint naumGregory of nyssaCharbel makhloufMichael viNicodemusBessarionSynesiusJohn komnenos molyvdosSaint pantaleonSaint stephenLorenzo ruizAnastasios of albaniaJoseph of cupertinoGregory the illuminatorMaximus the confessorLaurusPatriarch alexy ii of moscowGeorges florovskyJosephMichael i cerulariusBar hebraeusGeorge e. mylonasHikkaduwe sri sumangala theraMelito of sardisSaint timothyAthanasios diakosNicholasGeorge precaPatriarch alexy i of moscowMakarios iiiPeregrine laziosiPope adeodatus i