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National science foundationArpa-eNih grantNational cancer instituteNational institute on drug abuseNational institutes of healthSmall business innovation researchHuman microbiome projectNasaNational academyThe technical cooperation programNational public health institutesNational academy of inventorsNcert textbook controversiesResearch domain criteriaInternational science councilInnovate ukTransportation research boardGlobal development networkNational sea grant college programPlanetary science decadal surveyNational cad standardIndian antarctic programmeCarnegie institution for scienceDutch research councilTechnology innovation instituteGas technology instituteFederation of american scientistsGosniiokhtEuropean research councilNational knowledge networkHuman connectome projectInstitute for defense analysesGeorgia tech research instituteMitacsEnergy technologies instituteForesight instituteGerman research foundationThe energy and resources instituteTelecom infra projectSmithsonian institutionSocial science research councilSanta fe instituteSouthern researchEnsembl genome database projectCert coordination centerResources for the futureState policy networkSematechImec100 year starshipEuropean bioinformatics instituteJoint research centreNational democratic instituteSens research foundation2045 initiativeBurroughs wellcome fundAll of usScience based targets initiativeNational endowment for democracyNational endowment for the artsDod ndseg fellowshipInstitute for energy researchSkolkovo foundationNational space societyNuclear energy instituteErnetDigital catapultDfinityAccelleraThink tankCgiarNational academy of sciencesNational medal of scienceNadcapFuture of humanity instituteRand corporationHealthy people programInternational atomic energy agencyInternational astronomical unionElectric power research instituteEurekaNational academy of medicineEncodeBroadband forumNational space instituteNational student clearinghouseGoogle brainCenter for open scienceCouncil for national policySeti instituteFuture of life instituteTrilateral commissionCloud native computing foundationPartnership for public serviceAbetInfragardAutomotive service excellenceAllen institute for brain scienceClimate action tracker