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Royal college of nursingNational education associationAmerican federation of teachersAustralian council of trade unionsLabor unions in the united statesCanadian labour congressNhs confederationNational secular societyNew teacher centerInstitute of physicsEquityCentre of indian trade unionsInstitution of civil engineersAspectCo-operatives ukHistadrutIrish congress of trade unionsNational trustInstitute of financial accountantsChartered institute of buildingAssociation of collegesGhana trades union congressInstitute of directorsAdvance heChartered institute of taxationTeach firstSutton trustBritish psychological societyMedical defence unionTransport workers union of americaActors' equity associationCommunications workers of americaInternational labour organizationThe scout associationNational league for nursingNocnJiscNcert textbook controversiesNational nurses unitedBritish councilNew economics foundationAnti-slavery internationalEngineers australiaRoyal societyNational association of realtorsNational student clearinghouseFree speech unionAmerican library associationCampaign for nuclear disarmamentInstitute for fiscal studiesRoyal television societyRoyal college of organistsRoyal society of chemistryGerman trade union confederationNuclear energy instituteBritish red crossGeological society of londonRoyal college of physiciansInternational union of studentsConfederation of british industryRoyal college of psychiatristsNorth east ambulance serviceEsduScotch whisky associationCitizens adviceSt john ambulanceAssociation for talent developmentNational honor societyBritish science associationRoyal college of radiologistsNational trust for scotlandEvangelical allianceDirectors guild of americaSkillsusaAction for childrenEarly childhood australiaAutomotive service excellenceScreen actors guildChartered institute of arbitratorsAlphabet workers unionInternational council of nursesIdp educationMuslim council of britainInstitute of education sciencesStrategic organizing centerDogs trustEducauseNational lawyers guildAssociation for project managementNational autistic societyAmerican bankers associationPhilippine nurses associationThe broadway leagueSustransNational retail federationNational association of scholarsThe new teacher projectHelene fuld health trustRoyal geographical societyDutch research council