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Order of the arrowScouts australiaBoy scouts of the philippinesEagle scout service projectScouts bsaNational honor societySilver antelope awardThe scout associationBoy scouts of americaScouts canadaThe bharat scouts and guidesScoutRover scoutBaden-powell scouts' associationScoutingJunior state of americaPlastHonor societyNational space societyNational merit scholarship programCub scoutGirl scouts of the usaNepal scoutsAcademy of achievementBoys & girls clubs of americaPi sigma alphaTribe of mic-o-sayLeo clubsTrail life usaAlpha epsilon phiDelta sigma piSafra national service associationNational ffa organizationNational junior honor societySociety of the cincinnatiAudubonSons of the american legionNational academy of inventorsNational academy of sciencesNational cartoonists societyPhi kappa phiNational academy of engineeringNcsyEllis island medal of honorThe recording academyAll-america city awardSea orgPatriotic order sons of americaScouting for foodSports car club of americaDemolay internationalScout lawShrinersAmerican heritage girlsAutistic self advocacy networkScout promiseSons of the american revolutionFraternal order of policeThe explorers clubJunior chamber internationalSigma xiOrder of the engineerNational speleological societyNational association of scholarsKnights templarAmerican sociological associationTau beta piNew jersey hall of fameAlpha omega alphaAiesecNational trustCatholic scouts of europeExperimental aircraft associationPhi theta kappaNational inventors hall of fameNational park foundationAutomotive service excellenceOrder of the british empireAmericorpsCivil air patrolService clubEisenhower fellowshipsGirl scouts of the philippinesNational safety councilCouncil for national policyFraternityNational civic leagueAmerican gold star mothersInternational science olympiadAmerican legionNational geographic societyPhi beta kappaAustralian of the yearLions clubs internationalHindu swayamsevak sanghNational pan-hellenic councilIndependent order of odd fellowsEmerald societyOrder of military medical meritNational medal of science