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Mountain weaselJapanese weaselIli pikaChinese ferret-badgerSiberian weaselRed pandaChinese pangolinMarbled catIndonesian mountain weaselHimalayan marmotSteppe polecatGiant pandaAfrican wildcatAsian badgerAfrican striped weaselNorthern hog badgerAlpine musk deerReeves's muntjacBack-striped weaselEuropean polecatSiberian lynxSableSiberian musk deerCarpathian lynxHoary marmotAmur leopardHimalayan tahrMongolian wolfStoatAsian golden catIndochinese leopardPallas's squirrelMountain cottontailSouth china tigerPygmy slow lorisSiberian tigerSiberian chipmunkTibetan blue bearEurasian pygmy shrewLong-eared hedgehogGolden takinJapanese badgerAltai wapitiHimalayan black bearClouded leopardBobak marmotFea's muntjacMontane guinea pigIndian pangolinChinese hamsterAsiatic wildcatLaotian rock ratEuropean wildcatGiant blind mole-ratChinese mountain catChinese crocodile lizardAsian small-clawed otterMarbled polecatPrzewalski's gazelleSnow leopardBaluchistan pygmy jerboaMainland serowMalabar large-spotted civetTibetan macaqueLeopard catMartenLong-tailed goralSumatran striped rabbitMalayan porcupineSyrian brown bearTibetan foxEthiopian wolfNepal gray langurPygmy hogPygmy tarsierEurasian lynxIberian lynxFormosan sika deerCongo clawless otterChinese goralChinese water dragonCorsac foxAmerican martenPanthera tigris acutidensEuropean pine martenQinling pandaFlat-headed catJapanese martenGobi bearKazakhstan blind mole-ratFormosan black bearChinese hareCommon raccoon dogIndian crested porcupineAmerican water shrewSnow sheepKashmir musk deerAppalachian cottontailNorthern rocky mountain wolfIndian muntjac