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Louisiana territoryArkansas territoryMississippi territoryIllinois territoryIowa territoryNew mexico territoryNebraska territoryFlorida territoryMichigan territoryKansas territoryColorado territoryTerritory of alaskaMontana territoryMinnesota territorySouthwest territoryOklahoma territoryIdaho territoryOregon territoryJefferson territoryArizona territoryDakota territoryDistrict of alaskaProvince of canadaNorthwest territoryTerritory of orleansProvince of south carolinaIndiana territoryHistory of nebraskaRepublic of texasSpanish west floridaDistrict of maineColony of queenslandLouisiana purchaseConfederate arizonaConfederate states of americaColony of new south walesProvince of marylandProvince of westphaliaProvince of north carolinaProvince of schleswig-holsteinState of sequoyahTexas annexationEast floridaTransvaalAntebellum southConfederation periodProvince of carolinaStates of the german confederationConfederate states congressProvince of saxonyUpper canadaBritish north americaEmpire of brazilFirst mexican republicKingdom of bavariaTerritory of new guineaRepublic of west floridaTanganyikaPanama canal zoneProvince of hanoverAlta californiaStettinRussian americaFirst republic of venezuelaRepublic of hawaiiIndian territoryPrincipality of montenegroSecond empire of haitiBritish west floridaColony of vancouver islandTrans-mississippi departmentAssam provinceFrench second republicDepartment of alaskaTerritory of hawaiiSecond american revolutionNew netherlandIllyrian provincesProvince of hesse-nassauConnecticut colonyState cessionsNorthwestern confederacySouthern coloniesState of brazilCongo free stateDominion of new englandHistory of ohioFree state of prussiaTanganyika territoryHoly roman empireProvince of upper silesiaRepublic of the congoColony of fijiSecond polish republicHawaiian kingdomDuchy of magdeburgSouth african republicNansemond county, virginiaFar eastern republicSoviet central asia