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American forces networkDefense support programMilitary health systemDefense information systems agencyNational guard bureauArmy national guardUnited states air forceLogcapJoint network nodeGlobal command and control systemCombat support agencyArmy service forcesNavy marine corps intranetTexas army national guardDefense intelligence agencyAustralian defence organisationMobile user objective systemMarine expeditionary unitSincgarsSatellite control networkDefense health agencyGlobal positioning systemCentral security serviceDepartment of defense policeMarine corps cyber auxiliaryMilstarIowa army national guardArmy ground forcesMilitary aviation2nd space operations squadronAir defense artillery branchAir national guardJoint surveillance systemListening stationDarpaOffice of naval researchMulti-mission launcherForeign military salesNaval ocean surveillance systemIntelligence support activityGlobal information gridNational guardSecurity force assistance commandJoint special forces aviation wingGlobal broadcast serviceAdvanced extremely high frequencyRoyal australian air forceDefense media activityMilitary intelligenceArmy specialized training programAviation combat elementMilitary baseTricareArmy medical servicesDefense meritorious service medalDefense clandestine serviceMilitary assistance advisory groupDepartment of the navy policeBig safariAir force research laboratoryRoyal auxiliary air forceReserve officers' training corpsMilitary justiceAustralian armyTactical support wingIndividual ready reserveMarine air-ground task forceCorps of army air defenceSixteenth air forceStandby reserveSpace test programMichigan army national guardAlabama national guardMilitary administrationAir education and training commandDepartment of the air force policeEastern air defense sectorDefense innovation unitNaval supply systems commandDefense threat reduction agencyCbp air and marine operationsArmy service ribbonDefense manpower data centerDet oneFleet marine forceCoast guard intelligenceAerospace defense commandArizona army national guardLogistics combat elementNaval air stationAir force reserve commandCanadian armed forcesJoint communications unitRussian aerospace defence forcesUnited states naval observatoryAustralian defence forceAir materiel commandRoyal school of military surveyNaval air systems commandAirborne early warning and control