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John 5Matthew 6Matthew 15Matthew 10Isaiah 5Galatians 5Matthew 24Mark 6Matthew 14Luke 15Matthew 13John 6Luke 1Luke 10John 1Gospel of matthewDeuteronomyMark 16Mark 13John 8Luke 121 thessalonians 5Luke 13John 14Five discourses of matthewActs 15Revelation 6Romans 1Philippians 1Ezekiel 25Acts 1Revelation 11 corinthians 6Revelation 21Ezekiel 1Hebrews 11Isaiah 51Acts 17Gospel of markJohn 21Ephesians 61 corinthians 15Isaiah 1Isaiah 53Flight into egyptIsaiah 14Daniel 8Revelation 12Romans 12First epistle of peterRevelation 17Amos 1Gospel of johnRomans 8Revelation 13Epistle to the philippiansEzekiel 23Book of numbersColossians 3Parable of the pearlRomans 13Parable of the two sonsFirst epistle to the thessaloniansJeremiah 31Apocalypse of johnGospel of lukeGospel of pseudo-matthewParable of the good samaritanEvents of revelationBook of revelationJob 2First epistle of johnSecond epistle to the corinthiansParable of the rich foolPsalmJeremiah 28Ecclesiastes 3Book of micahParable of the master and servantFirst epistle to the corinthiansEzekiel 38Parable of the talents or minasPsalm 1001 corinthians 13Epistle to the ephesiansPentateuchOlivet discourseBook of genesisBook of isaiahActs of the apostles1 chronicles 1Epistle to the colossiansEpistle of judeSecond epistle of peterSermon on the mountParable of the wedding feastParable of the lost sheepLight of the worldPsalm 90Law of moses