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Mark iv tankMark ix tankCruiser mk ivMatilda iiGun carrier mark iMedium mark iiiCenturionCovenanter tankCromwell tankLight tank mk viCavalier tankChieftainMedium mark a whippetM46 pattonFv438 swingfireM3 stuartHeavy tank m6Light tank mk vii tetrarchCruiser mk iiiM3 leeBritish heavy tanks of world war iLight tanks of the united kingdomChallenger 1Rolls-royce meteorM10 tank destroyerMarder iiJagdpanzer ivFemale tankAustin armoured carTiger iiSherman fireflyM60-2000 main battle tankHumber scout carT-28DeaconCruiser mk iiM47 pattonHumber armoured carPanther ii tankT34 heavy tankMk iv helmetOrdnance qf 75 mmT-44Marder iiiA20 heavy tankIs tank familyT-64ConquerorFv102 strikerChurchill tankBl 15-inch mk i naval gunM36 tank destroyerOrdnance qf 95 mm howitzerT28 super heavy tankQf 4-inch naval gun mk vT-34Little willieExcelsior tankM4 shermanT-50 tankT-60 tankT-40Rml 7-pounder mountain gunSteam tankPanzer 61Panzer i variantsPanzer iiT17e1 staghoundPanzer iiiFord 3-ton m1918T-268.8 cm kwk 36Infantry tankMark 16 torpedoM3 scout carSu-14Medium tank m7Fiat 2000Jaguar 2It-1Panzer iii/ivT-38 tankChurchill crocodileSu-100yM22 locustType 1 chi-he medium tankT-62T30 howitzer motor carriageDaimler armoured carM41 walker bulldogAlbion cx22sCanon d'assaut lorraineAvro yorkT92 light tankCrusader tankFv4401 contentiousBl 8-inch mk viii naval gunBl 13.5-inch mk v naval gunT95 medium tankIs-3