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January 1938 geomagnetic stormGeomagnetic stormCarrington eventJuly 2012 solar storm2003 halloween solar stormsBastille day solar stormSolar stormMarch 1504 lunar eclipseSolar particle eventCoronal mass ejectionChelyabinsk meteorSolar eclipse of february 26, 19791490 ch'ing-yang eventSolar flareSolar eclipse of july 22, 2009Great comet of 1577Geomagnetic excursionComet hyakutakeTerrestrial gamma-ray flashEarth's magnetic field2009 jupiter impact eventMarch equinoxMaunder minimumHeat burstPhoenix lightsGreat dark spotGrb 080916c1972 great daylight fireballSolar cycle 23QuakeSolar eclipseStormSpace weatherGrb 060614Comet kohoutekSolar eclipse of december 26, 2019Solar eclipse of august 11, 19991971Impact winterGeomagnetic reversalSolar eclipse of october 25, 2022Typhoon surigaeSolar wind2009 norwegian spiral anomalySolar eclipse of april 8, 2024Asassn-15lhEquinox1975 atlantic hurricane seasonGreat january comet of 1910Solar eclipse of august 21, 2017Solar eclipse of august 2, 2027Solar energetic particlesSolar eclipse of august 1, 2008Nuclear winterSn 1006Lunar eclipseThemisMagnetospherePioneer anomalySolar eclipse of august 12, 2026Polar1967 atlantic hurricane seasonKepler's supernovaMeteor showerEclipseMay 2022 lunar eclipseBow shockMars observerApollo 9LeonidsCaesar's cometSolar eclipse of august 12, 2045OrionidsMagellanSolar maximum missionComet westCrown flashMeteor air burstChelyabinsk meteoriteCosmic ray visual phenomenaNuclear falloutLaschamp eventLate heavy bombardment1972Deorbit of mirDiffuse sky radiationHigh-altitude nuclear explosionGamma-ray burstSolar radio emissionComet tailSn 18599942 apophisDisturbance storm time indexGw170817Solar cycleMeteoriteBirkeland currentEarth's shadowSolar eclipse of april 20, 2023Solar neutrino