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Flex one's musclesMuscle upMuscleMuscularizeBuff upTone upFirm upPump upLimber upWork outMakeBodybuildBulk upMake one's bowExerciseAbdominizeSupinateTonifyWork upStiffen upIntendKeep fitWeight-liftGather strengthMake one's bonesArm upDynamizeBuild upRobustizeExtendPreenFill outStrengthenRaiseLimberPluck upWieldCrank upTake up armsMake something ofBrace upShow who's bossAthleticizeFlexureShow offBendLiftPep upMake boldSinewFake itErectPhysicalizePoint upFortifyFlexibilizeRiseBring into playBeef upBodyWeight-trainBoldenFatten upTonicizeRaise upBring outReach forBench testBraceLift upLick into shapeBone upMake a habit ofPlump upProve oneselfShapeBeshapePosePunch upMake a case forMuster upEnhanceBring to lifeMake an effortBoneFleshifyLean intoItalicizeWork inGear upRev upPlay upBrush upTrainManipulatePosh upTune upDo upBring to bearMake an impression