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Direction findingR-s-t systemAutomatic packet reporting systemEcholinkAmprnetAx.25Plain language radio checksProfessional mobile radioTerrestrial trunked radioRadio data systemPactorCitizens band radioGeneral mobile radio serviceTerminal node controllerDigital mobile radioQsl cardCb radio in the united kingdomCountry codeIso 6709Multi-use radio serviceCall signHigh frequency data linkAcarsRinexLocation identifierPmr446Gsm cell idAdvanced mobile location500 khzGeneral packet radio serviceEpsg geodetic parameter datasetDistributed antenna systemAutomatic link establishmentGeographic information systemIcmp router discovery protocolShortwave bandsProsigns for morse codeBase transceiver stationNxdnNato phonetic alphabetGeotaggingCellular frequenciesAm expanded bandDigital radio mondialeCb radio in the united statesDigital audio broadcastingMobile equipment identifierGsm frequency bandsIdenCombat-net radioModulation error ratioInternet geolocationDifferential gpsMobile station roaming numberCaller idOlivia mfskDigital selective callingTrunked radio systemEncoder receiver transmitterCell global identityRadio resource managementChannelDrive testingReverse geocodingMobile application partDirectory assistanceMobile-satellite serviceRadio over ipGnss software-defined receiverAddress resolution protocolBluetoothSatellite radioSignalling system no. 7Software-defined radioIeee 802.11sLpd433Gprs core networkNmea 0183Rtcm sc-104Digital radio frequency memoryMobile radio telephoneAmplitude modulationEnhanced 9-1-1Advanced mobile phone systemDirect inward dialE.164RadioteletypeGpsdPostal codeGeojsonReverse 9-1-1Mobile phone signalGeonet names serverNumbers stationRadiotelephony procedureSingle-sideband modulationFixed-satellite serviceSimple featuresMorse codePsk31