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Haakon the goodMagnus ii of norwayOlaf iii of norwaySigurd the crusaderHarald hardradaHaakon vi of norwayMagnus iv of swedenEric ii of norwayOlaf ii of norwayHarald gilleTryggve olafssonChristian ii of denmarkHaakon ericssonHaakon iii of norwayGuthredOlaf i of denmarkCanute i of swedenMagnus iv of norwayMagnus vi of norwaySvein knutssonHarthacnutEmund the oldHarald greycloakChristian iv of denmarkHaakon v of norwayChristian iii of denmarkFrederick ii of denmarkGodred crovanMagnus iii of swedenOlaf the blackGustavus adolphusFrederick v of denmarkEric the victoriousFrederick iv of denmarkFrederick vi of denmarkHenry iv of franceSverre of norwayChristian vii of denmarkCanute iv of denmarkCharles iii, duke of savoyInge ii of norwayMagnus barefootMagnus ii, duke of mecklenburgSverker i of swedenFrederick i of denmarkMagnus i, duke of saxe-lauenburgChristopher of bavariaOlaf tryggvasonOlaf guthfrithsonHarald wartoothCharles xiiiMagnus v of norwayHarald ii of denmarkEric i of denmarkOtto the greatHaakon vii of norwayDiarmaid mac murchadhaBaldwin vi, count of flandersEric bloodaxeEric of pomeraniaLeopold iii, margrave of austriaGustaf vi adolfAdolf, duke of holstein-gottorpRorik of dorestadHenry v, holy roman emperorSomerledHenry iv, holy roman emperorRobert curthoseGustaf vEric iv of denmarkMstislav i of kievBirger jarlLadislaus i of hungaryTheodoric the greatGodwin, earl of wessexSancho iii of pamplonaCasimir iv jagiellonErik axelsson tottMieszko ii lambertEric xii of swedenErling skjalgssonGeorge ii of great britainHenry iii of englandHenry ii of englandSuleiman the magnificentOttokar ii of bohemiaOlav v of norwayAlexander the greatHalfdan ragnarssonFerdinand ii of aragonFrederick vii of denmarkAldfrith of northumbriaJohn v of portugalAugustus ii the strongCharles vii of swedenChristian viii of denmarkOscar i of swedenConrad iii of germanyStephen i of hungaryHaakon sigurdsson