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George grenvilleCharles townshendSir richard grosvenor, 4th baronetGeorge hamiltonDavid lloyd georgeGeorge gordon, 5th duke of gordonHenry pelhamGeorges dantonJohn wilkesJohn stuart, 3rd earl of buteGeorge gippsSir james outram, 1st baronetHenry grey, 3rd earl greyAlexander hamiltonCharles grey, 1st earl greySir richard grosvenor, 1st baronetJohn greyFrederick north, lord northJames cecil, 6th earl of salisburyJames graham, 1st duke of montroseJohn tufton, 2nd earl of thanetThomas erskine, 1st baron erskineGeorge spencer, 2nd earl spencerGeorge eden, 1st earl of aucklandJohn spencer, 3rd earl spencerLord frederick cavendishRobert grosvenor, 1st baron eburyGeorge smithGeorge gordon, 5th earl of huntlyHenry fitzroy, 5th duke of graftonSir thomas grosvenor, 3rd baronetSir oliver cromwellHenry addingtonEdward hyde, 3rd earl of clarendonGeorge walpole, 3rd earl of orfordCharles cecil, viscount cranborneJohn burgoyneRobert walpole, 2nd earl of orfordGeorge loweThomas fairfaxRichard fordRichard grenvilleSir john parnell, 2nd baronetCharles grey, 2nd earl greyCharles stanley, 8th earl of derbyEdward boscawenJohn hampdenEdward herbert, 2nd earl of powisCharles james foxArthur haselrigEdward nortonJames wilkinsonHenry grey, 1st duke of suffolkJames stuart, 2nd earl of buteHenry grey, 1st earl of stamfordSir robert grosvenor, 6th baronetLord edward cavendishGeorge gordon, 4th earl of huntlyLord alfred pagetJames stewartLeander starr jamesonJohn evelynJohn manners, marquess of granbyJohn marshallJohn campbell, 7th duke of argyllJohn adamsRobert scottRoger galePhilip gidley kingJean-lambert tallienCharles stewart parnellLachlan mcintoshGeorge berkeleyNorth ministryChristopher gadsdenGeorge canningCharles thomsonHenry grattanJames herbertRalph abercrombyOliver cromwellCromwellJames scott, earl of dalkeithGeorge gordon, 2nd earl of huntlyJames bowdoinCharles ingramCharles lucasSir william gooch, 1st baronetJohn murray, 4th earl of dunmoreEdward montagu of boughtonEdward pakenhamEdward colstonRichard wilsonHenry howard, 13th duke of norfolkBanastre tarletonRichard harrisonJohn fieldingCharles augustus fitzroyGeorge harrisonLord byron