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KiwanisAssociation of zoos and aquariumsJunior leagueLeo clubsAnti-slavery internationalNational civic leagueRotary internationalAmerican legionService clubAmerican red crossBoys & girls clubs of americaAmerican civil liberties unionSports car club of americaBest friends animal societyJunior chamber internationalCanadian red crossDisabled american veteransToastmasters internationalAnti-defamation leagueDelta sigma piNspcaAmerican friends service committeeCarnegie corporation of new yorkInternational medical corpsAd councilIndependent order of odd fellowsAmerican library associationNational urban leagueOptimist internationalHumane society internationalIcleiBritish red crossDogs trustRonald mcdonald house charitiesIlluminating engineering societyThe explorers clubCongress of racial equalityInternational bar associationHuman relations area filesBaden-powell scouts' associationRoyal over-seas leagueAmerican jewish congressOdd fellowsCare internationalGrand lodge of new yorkEconomic club of new yorkTafisaSons of the american legionShrinersInternet societyInternational rescue committeeLds philanthropiesHillel internationalNational league of citiesFauna and flora internationalJewish agency for israelScouts australiaInternational justice missionAfrica-america instituteAustralian red crossSave the childrenAiesecCharitable organizationRubber manufacturers associationInternational monarchist leagueSons of the american revolutionAcademy of achievementAutomobile associationsChurch mission societyDirect reliefFellowship of christian athletesEisenhower fellowshipsAmerican historical associationAmnesty internationalKenya red cross societyGlobal leadership foundationRspca australiaInternational mathematical unionLoyal order of mooseInternational council for scienceSt john ambulanceBritish and foreign bible societyJunior state of americaKnights templarInternational crisis groupIslamic reliefConrad n. hilton foundationAmerican welding societyFederal council of churchesAmerican motorcyclist associationKey clubIndian red cross societyAudubonSociety of the cincinnatiRotaractThe humane leagueChicago council on global affairsAmerican philosophical societyInternational paralympic committeeKennel club