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OberleutnantOberstabsfeldwebelStabsfeldwebelHauptfeldwebelSecond lieutenantFahnenjunkerEnlisted rankPrivateMilitary ranks of switzerlandLieutenantFirst lieutenantLieutenant colonelBrigadier generalJunior officerWarrant officer class 1Lieutenant generalSergeant first classCorporalCaptainMajor generalGeneralSub-lieutenantMajorWarrant officer class 2One-star rankOberstColonelField gradeSergeant majorPilot officerCaptain lieutenantGerman navyStaff sergeantTwo-star rankLieutenant junior gradeGerman armyEnsignArmy generalCommanderAdmiralLance corporalPrivate first classMilitary ranks of argentinaGeneral of the armiesGeneral officerOfficer candidateAirman first classGeneralmajorMilitary ranks of hungarySenior colonelKingsmanAdjutantBelgian military ranksGeneral of the armyMaster sergeantBadge of honour of the bundeswehrField officerPetty officer third classMaster warrant officerRegimental sergeant majorMidshipmanMilitary ranks of bulgariaAir marshalLance sergeantMilitary ranks of turkeySpecialistFirst sergeantSergeant major of the armySergeantMilitary rankGerman army aviation corpsLieutenant commanderNon-commissioned memberChief of defenceMilitary ranks of nepalJunior lieutenantSaudi arabian military ranksGerman air forceSwiss air forceGarrison sergeant majorPetty officer second classField marshalMilitary ranks of albaniaChief master sergeantMilitary ranks of bangladeshMilitary ranks of south koreaPetty officer first classChief petty officerFlying officerAir vice-marshalSenior captainChief warrant officerColour sergeantCzech military ranksOfficer cadetMilitary ranks of bahrainMilitary ranks of syriaSenior master sergeantMilitary ranks of iraqAssistant commandant