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Leszek ii the blackSiemowitMieszko ii lambertCasimir i the restorerCasimir ii the justMieszko iii the oldSiemowit ii of masoviaSaint casimirLouis the germanKrakusBoleslaus i, duke of bohemiaHenry ii the piousKonstanty ostrogskiAugust aleksander czartoryskiBoleslaus ii, duke of bohemiaKonrad i of masoviaSigismund ii augustusHenry the beardedGilbert, duke of lorraineKazimierz czartoryskiSilesian piastsGothelo i, duke of lorraineStefan czarnieckiOtto ii, duke of swabiaLiubartasLeo i of galiciaOtto i, duke of saxonyCasimir iv jagiellonDaniel of galiciaAlexander jagiellonDedo i, count of wettinJohn iii sobieskiJerzy sebastian lubomirskiLiutfrid, duke of alsaceHenry iii the whiteOttokar i of bohemiaPepin iii, count of vermandoisIziaslav i of kievKonrad iii rudyMieszko iCharles martel of anjouTheodoric i of wettinRhys ap tewdwrRanulf ii of aquitaineAdolf, duke of holstein-gottorpNestor the chroniclerBraslav, duke of lower pannoniaDomagoj of croatiaGuy of lusignanOleg of novgorodLlywelyn the greatHenry, son of robert i of burgundyJan zamoyskiLeopold i, prince of anhalt-dessauJohn sigismund vasaButvydasOttokar ii of bohemiaJacob kettlerJohn tzelepes komnenosRastislav of moraviaGian galeazzo viscontiBolko i the strictSaint emeric of hungaryConrad i, count of luxembourgLouis i of hungaryBezprymLadislaus i of hungaryIorwerth drwyndwnLothair iBardas phokas the elderHenryk iv probusEric ii, duke of pomeraniaMagnus ii, duke of mecklenburgLouis i of anjouLeopold iii, duke of anhalt-dessauPharamondFrederick i, duke of swabiaAndrzej poniatowskiCharles i of anjouJames louis sobieskiTheophylact i, count of tusculumNiklotMstislav ii of kievDesideriusLouis the stammererCasimir iii the greatLouis ii of italyHenry ii, duke of brabantJohnPier luigi farnese, duke of parmaAugustus ii the strongDmitry pozharskyDuke of zhouCarloman, son of charles the baldAugustus iii of polandLiudolf, duke of swabiaSigfried, count of the ardennesIziaslav ii of kievHenry of niemodlinDrogo of champagne