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Three from prostokvashinoThe minstrel showThe adventures of lolo the penguinCool catFeline folliesStuart littleThe aristocatsMickey mouseSpooksAlice in wonderlandLudwigThe cat came backTom and jerryI haven't got a hatJack frostThe cassandra catThe scarlet flowerTop cat and the beverly hills catsHedgehog in the fogThe adventures of prince achmedHenpeckedAdventures of mowgliHappy daysFritz the catThe simple thingsThe cat concertoBlue cat bluesFeed the kittyRenaissanceA dog's lifeThe zoot catLe clown et ses chiensThe wise little henThe cat's me-ouch!Felix the cat filmographyGreatCat feudDon donaldCasanova catBrave little tailorThe legend of loboSwitchin' kittenMunroBosko, the talk-ink kidOld king coleHorton hears a who!A grand day outRhapsody rabbitFur of flyingContractA boy and his dogTintin and the temple of the sunPeter and the wolfThe dog in the mangerThe bear that wasn'tBeauty and the beastLambert the sheepish lionBlack beautyThe karnival kidLong-haired hareMexicoPuss gets the bootThe einstein theory of relativityTrolley troublesPlaytimeThe pink phinkThe chipmunk adventureCatsFive and dimeRoger rabbit short filmsConfidenceHorton hatches the eggHere comes garfieldThe adventures of gulliverCat-tails for twoFather sergiusToot, whistle, plunk and boomA computer animated handSteamboat willieLend a pawAlexander nevskyShishkabugsDonald gets draftedPauvre pierrotCurse of the pink pantherThe return of the pink pantherGarfield on the townCommissarThru the mirrorThe tale of the foxMelodyPaul bunyanRoger rabbitPoor papaBambiEvolutionTot watchersClock cleanersSpare the rodMouse trouble