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Gyrth godwinsonLeofric, earl of merciaHumphrey ii de bohunCoenred of merciaCynewulfMalcolm ii of scotlandLanfrancCeolwulf of wessexHumphrey i de bohunEadredBaldwin iii, count of hainautAdam of bremenBleddyn ap cynfynHarold, son of harold godwinsonPeter lacyLeopold ii, grand duke of tuscanyPatrick i, earl of dunbarGodwin, son of harold godwinsonRobert de mowbrayRoger bigod, 5th earl of norfolkCynewulf of wessexJohn de mowbray, 4th baron mowbrayHenry of bloisSimon i de montfortAlfred the greatHenry coleHenry de beaumontCeawlin of wessexEadbald of kentRichard barreHumphrey iii de bohunCeolwald of wessexRhys ap gruffyddHugh de mortimerJohn i de balliolAdalbertAeddan ap blegywrydAlhred of northumbriaHugues du perchePhotios i of constantinopleLivius andronicusThomas west, 2nd baron de la warrConradEdward iHughHenry beaufortCeol of wessexRalph bassetGuthrumRoger fitzjohnHenryOwain danwynJohn woottonRobert fitzrogerDunstanJean le belChildebert iiCynricBenedictAdelard of bathRobertRoger bigod of norfolkMalcolm iiBrian boruEdward iiJohn i, count of oldenburgJohn de courcyBernardEdwinGuidoThurbrand the holdEdmund crouchbackEcgberht i of northumbriaGilbert de lacyOwen tudorBeornwulf of merciaMalcolm iii of scotlandAnthony woodville, 2nd earl riversBotwulf of thorneyNorthmanIcel of merciaFinnCeddEdward iiiLancelot hollandHildebertOcta of kentHugh bigod, 3rd earl of norfolkApollonius of rhodesBaldwinJean goujonOdda, ealdorman of devonDafydd ap gruffyddJohn of montfortArchibald i, lord of douglasAbsalonEdward the confessorBerthold of schweinfurtPrince william, duke of cumberlandJohn i, duke of cleves