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Goodhart's lawMurphy's lawCuriosity killed the catHarm principleProverbLegal maximSod's lawSquare peg in a round holeNulla poena sine legeAll that glitters is not goldPoint of no returnPerfect is the enemy of goodGolden ruleCatch-22ParadoxBack to square oneDown the rabbit holeHanlon's razorSafetyFirst principleRational egoismTerminus estNo-win situationEstoppel by deedDon't judge a book by its coverEtiam si omnes, ego nonBetteridge's law of headlinesTruismContradictionStop snitchin'AbstinenceFor want of a nailFunctional fixednessGresham's lawFear of flyingDefaultThere are no atheists in foxholesInventor's paradoxSutton's lawPrinciple of sufficient reasonPessimismPlatitudeHold your horsesHit and runPlateau effectReliefAn unjust law is no law at allSelf-refuting ideaChilling effectMind your own businessPhilosophy of happinessKnow thyselfEgoismConfined spaceSelf-compassionSuicideMaximIntegrityPhilosophy of lifeDisappointmentFederal preemptionNatural hazardDeterminismIllegitimi non carborundumReversal testBite the bulletNoli turbare circulos meos!Circular reasoningSmoking cessationDutyFalse dilemmaMuphry's lawNaturalismConsistencyCrossing the rubiconLegalismArgument from fallacyMetaphysicsNonresistanceRealityCowardiceArgument from incredulityAxiomGridlockChina's final warningDenying the antecedentSolipsism syndromeHesitationFear of crimePhilosophyAchilles' heelEquality before the lawEthical egoismQuotationAcceptanceJustice delayed is justice deniedConfessionMoral courageHard cases make bad lawIllegal