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Future force warriorGround combat vehicleFuture soldier 2030 initiativeLight attack/armed reconnaissanceFuture tactical truck systemOperation urban warriorNext generation combat vehicleFuture combat systemsBct modernizationMarine expeditionary unitRipsawHumvee replacement processNett warriorAmphibious combat vehicleArmored multi-purpose vehicleFuture soldierIai rq-5 hunterFuture long-range assault aircraftMobile protected firepowerTerritorial armyOptionally manned fighting vehicleArmy nuclear power programOshkosh l-atvArmy map serviceGeneral dynamics griffinArmy specialized training program32nd cavalry regimentDesert camouflage uniformSea hunterSoldier 2025Joint unmanned combat air systemsArmy 2020LogcapOperation whitecoatAirland battleDesert battle dress uniformArmy of the united statesBradley fighting vehicleArmy 2020 refineOperation southern watchArmy service ribbonBattle dress uniformOpfiresRanger body armorAir assault badgeNew medium helicopterLegged squad support systemAgm-179 jagmEmarssAifvForces goal 2030H-1 upgrade programSkyborgM3 bradleyProject camelotMilitary auxiliary radio systemTraining within industryLong-range hypersonic weaponFuture rapid effect systemCrusherJoint light tactical vehicleDarpa lifelogDelayed entry programInterceptor body armorMarine personnel carrier1st tank battalionProject icewormLanding vehicle trackedMulti-mission launcherRanger special operations vehicleAlliance ground surveillanceArmy ground forcesTerritorial forceAirman battle uniformNorthern warfare training centerSentinel programBritish indian armyUnited states armyNational defense act of 1916Afghanistan campaign medalArmy of the republic of texasAsymmetric warfare groupTenth united states armySeventh united states armyDefense support programIraq campaign medalProject blue bookJoint strike fighter programBell 360 invictusCombined action programStrategic defense initiativeFinance corpsBasic leader courseM1297 army ground mobility vehicleOperational camouflage patternAustralian armyMarine raidersCorps of discoveryMain ground combat systemForward operating base salerno